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BONS Reader’s Choice

Congratulations to the Marblehead Farmers’ Market who received the North Shore Magazine’s Farmers’ Market BONS award.  The Marblehead Market meets Saturdays from 9 – noon at the Veteran’s Middle School in Marblehead. Thank you to all of our supporters who voted the Salem Farmers’ Market the Reader’s Choice Best Farmers’ Market on the North Shore.  Hope to see you at the market this week despite the heat…

Stop by the Salem Farmers’ Market Thursday and stay for the London Boys Choir. Shop for raspberries, peas, lettuce, lobsters, fresh bread, cheese and more. Enjoy the melodic sounds of Patino Vasquez from 5 – 7 and a delicious cooking demonstration at 3:30 by Caffe Graziani. The market’s sponsor this week is Zipcar. Green Salem and the Salem Health Department will have booths this week distributing public information.  Following the market at 7:30 p.m. in Old Town Hall the prestigious London Boys’ Choir from Merchant Taylors’ School will be performing. The concert is FREE. Donations will be accepted to support the Salem Farmers’ Market.