blog post

New Report on Farmers Markets & Low-Income Communities

Out of our analysis of market management data, tracked over several years and surveys of market shoppers and non-market shoppers, we were able to identify two key trends. First, we found that price is not a barrier. Among the survey sample, almost 60% of farmers market shoppers in low-income neighborhoods believed their market had better prices than the grocery store.

That that myth! It is easy to hear something, assume it is true and pass it on to others as fact. Farmers’ Markets have a bad rap for being pricey. And while I am at it – the first year, in this run, of the Market, produce was slim in the later hours of the night. That is just not so anymore, unfortunately people still pass that on as fact. (deep breadth. Good, now I feel better.)

Read the full article on Project for Public Spaces.