blog post

July 23 Market

Friday Update: We try to stay open rain or shine, unless the weather gets dangerous. As the rain began near the end of the Market, we gave the vendors the options to close up early. Many of the farms stuck it out – so even if we start closing up, our guess is you’ll find a farm or three will still be here, we just cannot guarantee it.


5:30 update – the rain is coming so we are closing early (now)


This week, the rotating vendors will be All Fruit, Auntie Elsie’s Oatmeal Crisps, and Honey Pot Farms. Which means Just Herbals will be here next week.

Salem Five continues to be their regular awesome self, and is sponsoring this week’s Market. Go to their Facebook page and check out theĀ Pedroia Party Trolley!

Visiting this week is Essex County Greenbelt Association – who are they? Well, let me copy two sentences from their website that I think will let you know if you need to talk to them or not (you should). “Working in partnership with private and public landholders, Greenbelt offers permanent solutions to realize land conservation goals.” and “As a result of our efforts, we have protected over 15,000 acres of land in Essex County.” And one of the coolest parts is that you can visit their properties for hikes, nature walks, kayaking, bird-watching and good old fashion sitting in a field of green grass and doing nothing but taking in the sun’s rays. They will have maps.

We currently do not have music lined up for tonight, but that may change by 5:00PM. Every day needs a little mystery, so let us help add some to your day.